SSC Training Schedule Update

17 Jul 2023 by PETER HOWES

Dear SSC Athletes, Parents & Coaches,

With some recent coaching changes we would like to provide an update as to our current training schedule. We welcome Tracy Shih, Jessica Taylor, Stuart Dunstan, Ethan Feher and Patrick Forster to our coaching team.

Please see the attached file for the full schedule

There are only two changes to our schedule:
Thursdays – 5:00-7:00am has moved to Paul Sadler Swimland Parkwood Green (Seniors)
Sundays – 5:30-7:00pm additional session at Paul Sadler Swimland Carrum Downs (Juniors)

We will be reviewing our financial position in Week 5 of Term 3 to identify if we can viably reinstate the following 2 sessions:
Mondays – 4:30-6:30pm @ Broadmeadows Aquatic & Leisure Centre (Seniors)
Fridays – 4:30-6:30pm @ Noble Park Aquatic Centre (Seniors)

SSC and NPAC/SEL have been in discussion with respect to an MOU which we hope will allow us to provide more afternoon sessions to our members in addition to strength and conditioning when appropriate. This will also be alongside membership opportunities with SEL for our SSC Members and Parents/Guardians as we continue to grow. This is also planned to be mirrored at Broadmeadows Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work towards providing our members the best possible opportunities to do what they love.

SSC Coaches & Committee

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