Tentative Event Schedule - Junior Squads (SCH/SPI/DEV/INT)

11 Apr 2024 by PETER HOWES

Dear SSC Athletes, Parents and Coaches,

Our Coaches have been working on our planning for the Short Course (SC – 25m Pool) season which runs essentially May-Sep. Provided below is our Tentative Event Schedule for our Junior Squads – SSC Development (DEV) & Intraclub (INT) Squads. SSC Squad Structure
Our Junior Squads also include our Scholarship (SCH) and Special Introductory (SPI) athletes

When planning we take into account the goal is to develop the strokes and skills in training 4-6 weeks and then provide the opportunity for the children to execute these in competition.

Prior to entry into any competition swimmers and parents should discuss and confirm entries with their coach

For the majority of our SSC DEV/INT athletes in addition to the development of the core stroke and skill development (SSC Tech Descriptors) the goal is also move between squads as well as having the opportunity to achieve Junior Excellence (JX) standards and Proficiency Awards which will be through events participated in our event schedule.

Through the events in our schedule all athletes are encouraged to participate in all strokes and distances to ensure the development of the whole athlete with respect to stroke and skill as well as mental/psychological.

Further information will be provided in the Events section of Stack Team App for all upcoming events including recommended events. (There may be additional events provided based on the main focus for these groups which will be included as required in Stack Team App Event notification)

Sat May 11 – SSC Special Session @ Braybrook
- During Training Session 5:00-7:30am
- All SSC Athletes to Attend
- Small Combined Training Session for Athletes
- Seniors Mentoring Juniors on Strokes & Skills
- Some fun RELAYS!
- Social event following session

Sun May 26 – SSC 25m Record Breakers
- Key Event for athletes to begin their goal setting/meet planning
- All Swimmers swim 100 IM, 25 FLY, 25 BK, 25 BR, 25 FR
Prior to this event we will be having a Secret Success Planning Session
This session is to provide an outline of how to plan meets/events & goal setting

Sat or Sun Jun 1 or 2 – SSC PB Aggregate 1
- 50 FR, 50 BK, 50 BR + 1 Choice Event (recommended 200m or greater)

Sat-Sun Jun 8-9 – Warrnambool SC Meet (Team Event)
- Recommended 10 swims (5 per Session)
- 50 FR, 50 BK, 50 BR, 50 FLY, 100 FR, 100 BK, 100 BR, 100 FLY, 100 IM + 1 Choice
Each athlete should confirm their events prior to entry with their coach
- if unable to attend this event alternate events June 15-16

Sat Jun 15 – Firbank Aquastars SC Meet
This event is for those not able to participate in the Warrnambool Team Meet
- Minimum of 4 swims (one distance 50/100/200 of each stroke)

Sun Jun 16 – Metro West SC Meet
This event is for those not able to participate in the Warrnambool Team Meet
- Minimum of 4 swims (one distance 50/100/200 of each stroke)

Sat Jun 22 – SV Relay Championship
Eligible Athletes – SSC Intraclub Squad and above ONLY
- Fun Relays Event
- Must have a minimum of 6 athletes confirm for entry
- Relays entered based on maximum swims possible

Sun Jun 30 – SSC Special Session @ Carrum Downs
- During Training Session 4:00-7:00pm
- All SSC Athletes to Attend
- Small Combined Training Session for Athletes
- Seniors Mentoring Juniors on Strokes & Skills
- Some fun RELAYS!
- Social event following session

Sun Jul 21 – Geelong Sharks SC Trophy Meet
- All Swimmers Enter 6 Individual Events
- Minimum 1 event/distance for each stroke (FLY, BK, BR, FR)
- Minimum 1 event as IM (100 and/or 200)
- Maximum 1 event athlete choice

Sun Aug 11 – Essendon District Aquatic SC Meet
- Minimum of 4 swims (one distance 50/100/200 of each stroke)

Sat or Sun Aug 24 or 25 – SSC PB Aggregate 2
- 50 BK, 50 BR, 50 FLY + 1 Choice Event (recommended 200m or greater)

Sun Sep 15 – SSC Tiny Olympic Prospects (TOP)
- 7&U – 100 IM & 200 FR
- 8yrs – 100 IM & 400 FR
- 9yrs – 200 IM & 800 FR
- 10yrs – 400 IM & 1500 FR
- 11&O – May complete Time Trial as desired
Special Stroke & Skill Session Juniors Mentored by Senior Swimmers

Swimmers should now plan what meets they will be able to participate in and what events they will be entering in each meet so they can then ensure their focus in training starts early so they are best prepared to perform on the event day. Remember to always discuss with your coach prior to entry

See you in the pool!
We love to swim!

SSC Coaches

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